The Powerful Connection: Deep Sleep, Baby's Immune System, Digestive Functions, and the Resolution of Gastrointestinal Pains and Eczema

baby sleep colics constipation eczema reflux Jul 10, 2023
Baby sleep, eczema, colics, reflux, constipation


'My baby has digestive issues and eczema and can't sleep. What should I do?'

Your favourite sleep consultant responds!

Sleep plays a vital role in a baby's overall health and well-being. It is during deep sleep that the body repairs and rejuvenates itself, and this includes crucial processes like strengthening the immune system and optimizing digestive functions. In this article, we will delve into the profound relationship between deep sleep, the immune system, digestive functions, and how improving your baby's sleep can help resolve gastrointestinal pains and discomforts as well as eczema.

The Link Between Deep Sleep and the Immune System

Deep sleep is the stage of sleep when the body experiences its most restorative effects. During this phase, the immune system becomes highly active, producing and releasing cytokines, which are proteins responsible for regulating immune responses. These cytokines help fight off infections, reduce inflammation, and promote healing throughout the body.

For babies, deep sleep is crucial for their developing immune systems. When they achieve adequate deep sleep, their bodies can effectively combat pathogens and allergens, leading to reduced susceptibility to infections and better overall health. Furthermore, deep sleep enhances the production of antibodies, which are essential for building immunity against specific diseases.

The Impact of Deep Sleep on Digestive Functions

Deep sleep also plays a significant role in optimizing digestive functions. A well-rested baby benefits from improved metabolism, absorption of nutrients, and regulation of appetite. When a baby experiences poor sleep or inadequate deep sleep, it can lead to disruptions in their digestive system, manifesting as gastrointestinal pains and discomforts.

During deep sleep, the body produces growth hormone, which aids in cell regeneration, including the cells lining the digestive tract. These cells play a vital role in nutrient absorption and maintaining a healthy gut barrier. Insufficient deep sleep can compromise the integrity of the gut lining, leading to digestive issues such as acid reflux, constipation, and colic.

How Better Sleep Can Resolve Gastrointestinal Pains and Discomforts

By working with your BeBaby sleep consultant to create both a nutritional/gastrointestinal intervention plan as well as a sleep plan you can create sleep patterns that aligns with your child's natural circadian rhythm which in turn helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle and promotes deep sleep. Consistency in sleep patterns can reduce gastrointestinal pains and discomforts by ensuring optimal digestive functions.

This in turn decreases the likelihood and severity of food intolerances and ensuing gastrointestinal issues such as colics, reflux, and constipation amongst many others.


The Role of Deep Sleep in Eczema Relief

Eczema, a skin condition characterized by itchy and inflamed patches, can significantly impact a baby's sleep. Fortunately, deep sleep plays a vital role in relieving eczema symptoms. Here's how:

1. Skin Barrier Repair: Deep sleep allows the body to repair and regenerate the skin's protective barrier. This is crucial for babies with eczema as it helps prevent moisture loss and reduces skin irritation and inflammation. By ensuring sufficient deep sleep, you can contribute to the natural healing process of your baby's skin.

2. Reduced Itchiness: During deep sleep, the brain releases chemicals that help inhibit the transmission of itch signals. When a baby achieves deep sleep, it can lead to reduced scratching and a decrease in eczema-related itchiness, providing much-needed relief.

3. Enhanced Stress Management: Lack of sleep can increase stress levels, and stress is known to worsen eczema symptoms. Adequate deep sleep helps regulate stress hormones, minimizing the impact of stress on eczema flare-ups.


Optimizing your baby's sleep is crucial for their overall health, including immune system strength and proper digestive functions. Deep sleep plays a pivotal role in strengthening the immune system, optimizing digestion, and resolving gastrointestinal pains and discomforts. Moreover, it contributes to the relief of eczema symptoms by facilitating skin barrier repair, reducing itchiness, and managing stress. By working with a BeBaby Sleep Consultant you can help your baby achieve deep sleep and pave the way for a healthier, more comfortable, and restful sleep journey.

Book a call today to find out which sleep program is right for you.

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